Name Danazol
Classes Hormonal Agent
Antigonadotropic Agent
Diseases Breast Fibrocystic
Inflammatory Disease
Uterus Pain


Danazol is classified as a synthetic androgen. Its mechanism of action involves suppression of gonadotropin secretion, leading to inhibition of ovarian and testicular steroidogenesis. Additionally, Danazol exerts anti-estrogenic effects by inhibiting the action of estrogen on target tissues. This combination of actions results in a decrease in the size and function of endometrial tissue and a reduction in the symptoms associated with certain hormonal conditions.

Danazol is indicated for the treatment of:

  1. Endometriosis: Relief of symptoms and reduction of endometrial lesions.
  2. Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Management of severe cases.
  3. Hereditary Angioedema: Prevention of attacks in both males and females.

Dosage recommendations may vary based on the specific indication and individual patient response.

  1. Endometriosis:

    • Initial dose: 800 mg to 1200 mg daily in two divided doses.
    • Maintenance dose: Adjusted based on response, typically 200 mg to 800 mg daily.
  2. Fibrocystic Breast Disease:

    • Initial dose: 200 mg to 400 mg twice daily.
    • Maintenance dose: Adjusted based on response.
  3. Hereditary Angioedema:

    • Initial dose: 200 mg to 600 mg daily in two divided doses.
    • Maintenance dose: Adjusted based on response.

Adverse reactions associated with Danazol are listed from most common to least common:

  • Weight gain
  • Edema
  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Irregular menses
  • Hot flashes
  • Sweating
  • Voice changes
  • Decreased breast size
  • Headache
  • Liver Function: Monitor liver function regularly, as Danazol may cause hepatotoxicity. Discontinue if significant liver enzyme elevations occur.
  • Androgenic Effects: Danazol has androgenic properties. Assess androgenic effects, and adjust dosage if virilization occurs.
  • Pregnancy Category X: Danazol is contraindicated in pregnancy due to potential fetal harm. Effective contraception is essential during and for at least 12 weeks after Danazol therapy.
  • Lipid Changes: Monitor lipid profiles regularly, as Danazol may cause changes in serum lipids.
  • Benign Intracranial Hypertension: Monitor for signs of benign intracranial hypertension, especially in patients with a history of pseudotumor cerebri.


Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to danazol.

Danazol is contraindicated in patients with-

  • Undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding. 
  • Markedly impaired hepatic, renal, or cardiac function.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast feeding.
  • Porphyria
  • Androgen-dependent tumor.
  • Active thrombosis or thromboembolic disease and history of such events.