Name Homatropine Hydrobromide
Classes Dermatological/Topical Agent
Ophthalmic Preparation
Diseases Inflammation
Ophthalmic Disease

Homatropine Hydrobromide

Homatropine is an Antimuscarinic agent. Homatropine hydrobromide blocks acetylcholine receptors at muscarinic receptors, leading to pupil dilation (mydriasis) and cycloplegia (paralysis of the ciliary muscle).

Homatropine hydrobromide is indicated for the temporary relief of ocular pain and discomfort, as well as for the induction of mydriasis and cycloplegia for diagnostic purposes.

  • Ocular Pain and Discomfort: Instill 1 or 2 drops into the affected eye(s) every 3 to 4 hours or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Mydriasis and Cycloplegia: Instill 1 or 2 drops into the eye(s) 40 to 50 minutes before the examination.

Common Adverse Reactions associated with Homatropine include-

  • Blurred vision
  • Photophobia
  • Ocular irritation
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Conjunctival hyperemia
  • Use with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma.
  • Prolonged use may lead to systemic absorption and anticholinergic toxicity.
  • Avoid touching the dropper tip to prevent contamination.


Known hypersensitivity to homatropine hydrobromide or other antimuscarinic agents such as

  • Patients with untreated narrow-angle glaucoma.